“It is a pleasure to endorse this series of Bible studies on thirty-two women of the Bible.

May God’s blessing be on each one who picks up the Bible and is led by the series of questions to ask themselves very similar questions so that we all may grow up in Christ Jesus.

Special thanks to Joanne Guarnieri Hagemeyer for a beautiful piece of work.”

—Walt Kaiser, former President of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary 

I am starting a Bible study in the fall for first-come-first-served registrants!

We will meet starting Thursday, September 17, 2020, from 7:30-8:30 p.m. on Zoom, and will go to April 29, 2021.

We’re taking a six week break in the middle, for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and another week break in the spring for Easter.

The course is filling up fast, and the host, Cindy Stambaugh, and I have agreed to limit this first group to 25 people in order to keep the conversation rich, robust, and yet warm and intimate as well.

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