We don’t know this woman’s backstory at all, whether she was young or old, her culture or clan. Some in our Bible study thought perhaps she was the woman who had committed adultery and was forgiven privately by Jesus after everyone had left (John 8:11).


We really have no information on her at all but what is given in this text.

Back in 591 A.D. Pope Gregory preached an Easter sermon in which he combined the stories of Mary the Magdalene with Mary of Bethany and the woman in this story, which then gave Mary of Magdala the reputation of being a repentant prostitute or a promiscuous woman.

But, if you read the passage carefully you see this is not the same event as when Mary of Bethany anointed Jesus at Simon the Leper’s house. And the woman in this story is also not Mary Magdalene, who had been released from seven spirits in a miraculous healing.

The woman in this story had lived a sinful life was most likely a prostitute. At the very least, she had a reputation. Whatever her growing up story, there were traumas and soul wounds. Then she met Jesus.

Her sinful past was only noted by the Pharisee sitting next to Jesus.

To Jesus, she was one who loved much, and he received her.

I The Forthcoming Woman, Luke 7:36-38
II The Favored Woman, Luke 7:39-43
III The Faithful Woman, Luke 7:44-47
IV The Forgiven Woman, Luke 7:48-50

Before we get started with this woman’s story, I’d like to say her traditional title of “the sinful woman” is very misleading. In this story, she is portrayed as the devoted-to-Jesus woman, the forgiven-by-Jesus woman, the living-portrait-of-love-sacrifice-and-bold-faith woman. So I would like Bible translators to reframe her story with the title: “The Faithful and Forgiven Woman.”

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3 thoughts on “HER STORY: Christ’s Ministry, The Sinful Woman

  1. Sister Joanne-in-Christ Jesus. This is a very compelling and thought provoking story found in these Scriptures! I don’t even recall her but of course the others are immediately recalled from memory and quite well known. The immediate takeaway for me is the fact that Jesus healed and forgave the afflicted regardless of stature or their location in a community of actually lesser or greater degrees of sin, but a society where all are fallen! I love how our Lord is so merciful having pity and compassion for this poor lowly discarded or what we could consider as one the dregs of her community, so lost and suffering in a life of despair full of insecurity without hope!

    Lust or sins of the flesh are we know, a most egregious of sins to God, that I think we have to admit are just as prevalent if not more so in today’s fast and loose, very materialistic, too often pleasure seeking or worshiping culture running rampant, in a vain and selfish world where the temptations along with human trafficking are out of control! This is telling me we need our beloved Jesus to come sooner rather than later to rescue any and all who will turn to Him for their salvation and forgiveness!

    Such important food for thought here for any of us to consider, whether we know of anyone like such a fallen woman depicted here or just for the simple truth that we should pray for all of our sisters and brothers in desperate need of help, as we all are! This is all so humbling to think about!

    Romans 3:22-24 “And this righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no distinction, 23for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24and are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.”

    Then there is this which you’ve pointed out, and even taking into consideration when it was written whom it may have referred to in that time period, wouldn’t we be wise to consider the truth of how today’s “crooked ways of the world” are exponentially worse with “flashy materialism” and “love or worship of money, (power)” that we see blatantly via mass media “right in our faces” with the likes of certain globalist billionaires doing all of their manipulating and controlling of society, how we as children of God are in greater trouble than ever, having fallen so far away from God’s intentions for us! Because the “prince of the air that evil force” is having so much influence upon this treacherous sinful world; one where many men and women now think they are like gods or “supreme rulers” of this planet and all who are upon it!

    Romans 3:9-11 “What then? Are we any better? Not at all. For we have already made the charge that Jews and Greeks alike are all under sin. 10As it is written: “There is no one righteous, not even one. 11There is no one who understands, no one who seeks God.”

    God bless us and help us; in the glorious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

    Brother Lawrence-in-Christ Jesus.

    1. Amen, Brother-in-Christ Lawrence. We are no better today in the depth of sins our culture may find itself in, and there is no way up out of our pits of despair save the healing, cleansing, forgiveness of our Savior. The gospel is the same life-giving message today as it was in the days Jesus spoke it in his own voice. And the people who hear this gospel, who respond to Jesus’s invitation to come and receive his rest will love as deeply as this nameless woman who washed the Lord’s feet with her tears.

      It is good to keep delivering Jesus’s gospel–“Come all ye who are weary and heavy laden,” with the cares of the world, with the burdens of daily life, with the worries of family, with a load of sin, and Jesus will give rest, for his yoke is easy, and burden is light!

      Grace and peace, your sister-in-Christ Joanne

      1. A beautiful explanation you provide here sister-in-Christ Joanne!

        The eternal flame burns as bright now as when Jesus first spoke the word of God directly to humanity, and in the eternal light of this flame the message of hope, compassion and mercy is burning as bright now as it was from the start!

        With the Lord Jesus there is always hope, love and eternal salvation awaiting us if we turn to Jesus for our desperately needed comfort and care; so that we can be “healed of all afflictions” of which there are now many that seek to consume any or all of us if we divert from this “singularity of purpose, to pick up our crosses and follow Him!”

        We must stay on the assured path of redemption by putting our “trust and faith in Jesus Christ” who makes certain that our Father in heaven sends the Comforter to teach us all things, while in the Father’s good graces we are learning His will for each of us.

        I see what we are speaking about here as verbatim what Jesus Himself told us in these Scriptural verses without a doubt; as this was a promise to us!

        John 14:17-19 “the Spirit of truth. The world cannot receive Him, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you do know Him, for He abides with you and will be in you. 18 I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. 19In a little while the world will see Me no more, but you will see Me. Because I live, you also will live.”


        Nothing is better in this world than what our dear sweet Lord Jesus Christ did for each of us and promised would be our reward, if we give our hearts to him and follow!

        God bless you in Jesus’ Holy Name!

        Your brother-in-Christ Jesus Lawrence.

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