HER STORY: Exodus Pioneers, The Stories Rahab Heard

#ExodusOverview #Exodus #Pharaoh #YHWH #Redemption #Moses This is a little bit of a longer episode because it encompasses an overview of Exodus 1-11 with a look at the Big Picture. It is this big picture that had such a great impact on Rahab, and that continues to have impact today on the lives of everyone … Continue reading HER STORY: Exodus Pioneers, The Stories Rahab Heard


Paul introduced her as “our sister,” and later one of the saints. Phoebe was deacon of the church at Cenchreae, and she was to be warmly welcomed. Anything she required, the assemblies in Rome were to provide for her. Why? Because she was, in fact, a benefactor of many, including Paul himself.

Michal, Daughter of Saul

In Michal’s story we meet a young women in love, who soon becomes courage itself in her quick-witted rescue of her husband. But as the years go by, she becomes an abandoned wife given to another man, then a political pawn and finally the outraged and rejected queen.

Tabitha (Dorcas)

The unique and intriguing story of a woman with dual citizenship, as it were, a woman known for her good deeds, the only woman who was actually called disciple in the entire Christian Testament, whose death rocked her Christian community to its core, and her deliverance by being raised back to life generated widespread belief in the Lord.

Mary of Bethany

We might say Martha brought in the importance of right doing in her service to the Lord, and in right thinking as Jesus’ developed her faith in knowing the truth about His divinity. Now enter Mary, who said few words, but whose passion and practice made a deep and lasting impact on Jesus’ heart and our understanding of discipleship.